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Sankal was a unit of mass (weight) for nutmeg flowers in the Moluccan Islands . In rural regions, the flowers were traded according to the Dutch troy pound . The dimensions given here are not completely compatible with one another.

  • 1 sankal = 28 catty = 77.193 kilograms
    • 100 Catty = 1 Bahar = 276.661 kg
    • 1 catty = 2.766 kilograms


  • Johann Michael Leuchs: The Contorwissenschaft ... Part: Containing the instructions for calculating all incidents in trade, in common and high-level business with insight. The latest in money, coin, mass and weight customers for merchants, businessmen and newspaper readers. Volume 3, published by E. Leuchs and Comp., Nuremberg 1834, p. 144 .