Sante David

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Sante David (born April 3, 1908 in Eberbach / Baden , † December 2, 2007 in Florence ) was a German-Italian specialist in German .

Siegfried David is the son of the businessman Albert A. David (* 1857, † 1935) and Marie David geb. Seeberger (* 1863; † 1924). He attended elementary school and 6-class. Realschule ("Höhere Schule") in Eberbach, then private preparation and external high school diploma at Easter 1926 at the Oberrealschule in Heidelberg (today: Helmholtz-Gymn.). Initially 2 semesters of law (probably in Heidelberg), then a change of subject and an undergraduate doctorate with the subjects of German studies, history, geography and ethnology in Heidelberg (3 semesters), Zurich (1 semester), Berlin (1 semester) and again in Heidelberg . PhD on Aug. Wilh. Iffland with Prof. Max von Waldberg.

In 1933 David emigrated to Italy, changing his first name to Sante around 1936 (cf. his last book title under Siegfried David 1936/37 and "Axis Berlin-Rome" from October 1936). Further doctorate on "Dottore in lettere" on Goethe's youth poetry in literature and philosophy (exact title unknown, University of Bologna, date also unknown), Italian state examination in 1938.

David taught German literature at the University of Bologna. In the years 1939–1943 he lived according to police order mostly in southern Italian mountain villages, from 1943 interpreter for the Allied military government. 1945 teaching activity in Bologna again; professorships in Siena (from 1950) and Buffalo (NY, 1964/65) followed. Numerous titles, mostly of lexicographical content, are available in the Italian National Library (Rome) and German National Library (Frankfurt).

Lecturing, guided tours, employee in the features section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and in specialist journals. David campaigned for the preservation of cultural heritage in literature and art history and for reconciliation with his homeland.

Memorial stone for five of his siblings murdered by the National Socialists on the Jewish. Eberbach cemetery. There has been a Sante-David-Straße in Eberbach since 2018.


  • 1976: Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • before 1991: Ordine Cavaliere and (?) Ordine Ufficiale, Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy
  • 1982; Ring of honor of the city of Eberbach in silver
  • 2002: Ring of honor of the city of Eberbach in gold
  • Honorary member of the German-Italian Society

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ David, Siegfried [sic!]: August Wilhelm Iffland's art of acting up to the end of the Mannheim period (1796). Bruchsal: J. Kruse & Söhne, Buchdruckerei 1933. 64 p. (Partial print) - Heidelberg, University, Phil. Diss. Of October 26, 1933 (p. Especially the curriculum vitae on p. 64)
  2. Possibly "Goethe come pensatore" (Goethe as a thinker), Bologna 1946, 27 pp.
  3. Eberbacher Geschichtsblatt 107 (2008), p. 172 f. (Death list)
  4. ^ Alemannia Judaica, Baden, Friedhöfe, Eberbach
  5. Eberbacher Geschichtsblatt 82 (1983), p. 185 f. (Honors)
  6. Eberbacher Geschichtsblatt 102 (2003), p. 255 f. (Honors)