Santiago Roncagliolo

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Santiago Roncagliolo

Santiago Roncagliolo (* 1975 in Lima ) is a Peruvian writer, journalist and translator. He has published short stories and novels for adults and children, as well as plays and screenplays, many of which have been translated into different languages.

Born in Lima, he spent his childhood in Mexico , where his father had gone into exile as a supporter of the Socialist Party. In the 1980s he returned to Peru and studied language and literature at the Universidad Católica del Peru in Lima. He worked for a human rights organization for several years. Various of his works are set against the background of the experiences of the years of terror of the Maoist guerrilla organization Sendero Luminoso and the state counter- terror in the 1980s and 1990s.

For his greatest success to date, the novel Abril rojo (Red April) , also published in German , he received the Premio Alfaguara de Novela in 2006 .


  • La guerra de Mostark , Santillana, Lima, 2001
  • El principe de los caimanes , Ediciones del Bronce, Barcelona, ​​2002
  • Crecer es un oficio triste (Growing up is a sad business) Stories, 2003
  • Pudor , Alfaguara, 2004; German: Caution , Claasen 2006.
  • Abril rojo , 2006; German: Roter April , Frankfurt am Main 2008
  • Matías y los imposibles (Matthias and the Impossible) , 2006
  • La Cuarta Espada (The Fourth Sword) , Alfaguara 2007
  • Jet Lag , 2008

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