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(Aelius) Saoterus (Greek Σαώτερος ὁ Νικομηδεύς ; * probably after 160 in Nicomedia ; † about 182-183 in Rome ) was a Greek-speaking freedman from Bithynia who served the Roman emperor Commodus as chamberlain ( cubicularius ). Apparently he was also a lover of the emperor. The Historia Augusta (though quite unreliable) states that Saoterus accompanied the emperor on his triumphal procession on October 22nd, 180 in his triumphal chariot , “and from time to time Commodus turned around and kissed Saoterus openly. He repeated this action in the Orchestra . ”From this one can conclude that Saoterus was not older than Commodus, that is to say in 180 not older than 19 years. He also held the gold wreath over the head of the emperor during this triumphal procession . With a certain probability Saoterus was also a member of the imperial college of priests Ordo sacerdotum domus Augustae , as can be seen from an inscription on an Aelius Saoterus .

In the course of the so-called Lucilla conspiracy (in 182 or 183), a failed assassination attempt by the sister of Commodus and the Praetorian prefect Tarrutenius Paternus , Saoterus was murdered as the closest confidante of Commodus. The Historia Augusta writes about this :

“The Praetorian prefects considered that the aversion to Commodus was largely caused by Saoterus, whose power the Roman people could no longer bear. They piloted this man away from the palace on the pretext of sacrifice, then had him killed by paid agents when he returned to his house. This act angered Commodus more than the attempted coup against him. "

- Historia Augusta, Life of Commodus :

Paternus as the instigator of the assassination attempt and other aristocrats who had allegedly conspired with him were then executed. In contrast to the version of the Historia Augusta , according to Cassius Dio, it was the freedman Marcus Aurelius Cleander who had his hands in the game when Saoterus was killed. After his death he followed him as a chamberlain. When the Praetorian prefect Tigidius Perennis , the successor to Paternus, was executed in 185, Cleander became the most influential figure around Commodus.


Individual evidence

  1. Historia Augusta , Life of Commodus , 3.5.
  2. Historia Augusta , Life of Commodus, 3.5.
  3. CIL VI, 2010 , 1, 28.
  4. Historia Augusta, Life of Commodus 4, 5–6.
  5. Cassius Dio, Roman History, 73.12.