Sara Zahedi

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Sara Zahedi (born February 18, 1981 in Tehran ) is an Iranian-Swedish mathematician who specializes in numerical analysis of partial differential equations (PDE).

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Zahedi received her PhD from KTH Stockholm in 2011 . She is an assistant professor at KTH Stockholm.

Zahedi deals with the numerical simulation of PDE for multi-phase flows with changing edges and definition areas that can be subject to strong deformations and topological changes, for example when a liquid breaks up into drops and their fusion. The finite element methods developed by her allow these dynamically changing geometries to be represented by making cuts through the element network (therefore Cut Finite Element Methods, CutFEM).

In 2016 she received the EMS Prize .


  • Sara Zahedi, Elin Olsson, Gunilla Kreiss: A conservative level set method for two phase flow II . In: Journal of Computational Physics . tape 225 , 2007, pp. 785-807 .
  • Sara Zahedi, Peter Hansbo, Mats G. Larson: A cut finite element method for a Stokes interface problem . In: Applied Numerical Mathematics . tape 85 , 2014, p. 90-114 .
  • Sara Zahedi, Katarina Gustavsson, Gunilla Kreiss: A conservative level set method for contact line dynamics . In: Journal of computational physics . tape 228 , 2009, p. 6361-6375 .
  • Sara Zahedi, P. Hansbo, MG Larson: Characteristic Cut Finite Element Methods for Convection-Diffusion Problems on Time Dependent Surfaces . In: Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engl . tape 293 , 2015, p. 431-461 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sarah Zahedi: Numerical Methods for Fluid Interface Problems . Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2011, ISBN 978-91-7415-969-1 ( full text from DiVA [accessed October 2, 2016] dissertation).