Satellite metastasis

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As satellite metastases is referred to in the oncology regionäre tumor metastases ( metastases ) at skin cancers , the cm at a distance of less than 2 from the primary tumor (primarius) have formed removed. If these metastases are microscopic, they are called microsatellites .


The so-called local recurrences are to be distinguished from the satellite metastases . These are remnants of an incompletely removed tumor that was able to develop further. The exact distinction between satellite metastases and local recurrence is sometimes difficult in practice. If the regional metastases are more than 2 cm away from the original primary tumor, they are called in-transit metastases because they are on the way to the next lymph node station . This terminology is arbitrary and has its origin in the safety margins around the primary tumor. However, this distinction has proven to be irrelevant for the prognosis.

Individual evidence

  1. a b L. Kretschmer: metastasis surgery. In: Rolf-Markus Szeimies, Axel Hauschild, among others (ed.): Tumors of the skin. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2009, ISBN 3-131-58681-8 , p. 360. Restricted preview in the Google book search
  2. Peter Fritsch: Dermatology Venerology. 2nd edition, Springer, 1983, ISBN 3-540-00332-0 , p. 639. Restricted preview in the Google book search