Set of Bauer Fike

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The Bauer-Fike theorem (after Friedrich Ludwig Bauer and Charles Theodore Fike , 1960) is a sentence from the numerical mathematics . It provides an estimate of the change in the eigenvalues ​​of a matrix due to disturbances.

Let be a submultiplicative matrix norm , a diagonalizable matrix with the eigenvalues and a perturbation of . Then every eigenvalue in the spectrum has at most the following distance from the spectrum of :

with the condition number and a matrix that has the eigenvectors of as columns, d. H. .


  • Robert Plato: Numerical Mathematics compact. Basic knowledge for study and practice. 3. Edition. Vieweg, Braunschweig et al. 2006, ISBN 978-3-8348-0277-4 , section 12.2.1, p. 312f.