Segre's Theorem (Diophantine Approximation)

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The set of Segre is a by Beniamino Segre named theorem from the mathematical field of number theory about the approximability irrational numbers by rational numbers . He generalizes Hurwitz's theorem , which in turn improves Dirichlet's approximation theorem .

Segre's theorem

The following statement applies to any real number :

For every irrational number there are infinitely many fully abbreviated fractions , which


Goodness of the ceiling

For one obtains Hurwitz's theorem and it is known that the constant occurring there is sharp, so in general it cannot be replaced by a better constant. There may be better approximations for a single number .

For the other numbers of the form with the set of Segre provides the best possible constant. However, it is believed that for other values ​​of, the constant is not sharp.


  • B. Segre: Lattice points in infinite domains and asymmetric Diophantine approximations. Duke Math. J. 12, (1945). 337-365.
  • Ivan Niven: On asymmetric Diophantine approximations. Michigan Math. J. 9 (1962) 121-123.
  • P. Szüsz: On a theorem of Segre. Acta Arith. 23: 371-377 (1973).

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Individual evidence

  1. Jing Cheng Tong: A conjecture of Segre on Diophantine approximation. Monthly Math. 112 (1991) no. 2, 141-147.