Estimating the population variance

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The maximum likelihood estimate is often used to estimate the variance of the population . The maximum likelihood estimate provides the uncorrected sample variance as an estimator of the unknown variance of the population , which, however, is only asymptotically true to expectations . An unbiased estimator, the corrected sample variance , is obtained by multiplying the uncorrected sample variance by the correction factor.

Variance estimation of a normally distributed population

Maximum likelihood estimation

Let be independently and identically distributed random variables from a normally distributed population with the unknown expected value and the unknown variance of the population . Let the realizations of the random variables be , then the likelihood function (also called plausibility function) is a sample with size

and the log likelihood function


In order to find an estimator for , the log-likelihood function is derived from

and set equal to zero to find a maximum

(for a derivation of the population variance in matrix notation, see classical linear model ). The second derivative results as

and at the point :


d. H. it is a maximum if .

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Hedderich, Lothar Sachs : Applied Statistics: Collection of Methods with R. , p. 332.