Sheikh Adi II.

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Sheikh Adi ( Kurmanji Şêx Adi , Arabic عدي بن أبي البركات DMG ʿAdī ibn Abī ʿl-Barakāt , also Adi II. , Died 1221 in the mountains of Hakkari ) was the third leader of the Adawiyya order. He is considered a holy personality in the Yazidis' faith.

Because of his first name, he is often confused with ʿAdī ibn Musāfir in literature . His great-uncle ʿAdī ibn Musāfir (also Şêx Adî) was the founder of the Adawiyya order, whose grave is now in the Lalisch Valley and the Yazidis consider him to be the incarnation of Melek Taus .


ʿAdī was the son of Abī ʿl-Barakāt and the grandson of Sheikh Adi's brother Sahr and the great-nephew of Sheikh ʿAdī ibn Musāfir. He was born as the first son and leader of the Adawiyya order in the Hekkari area. In 1221 he was executed by Mongols in the mountains of Hakkari. His son and successor was Sheikh Hasan (the father of Sharaf ad-Din ).

Individual evidence

  1. Birgül Açikyildiz: The Yezidis: The History of a Community, Culture and Religion . IBTauris, 2014, ISBN 978-0-85772-061-0 ( [accessed on February 11, 2018]).
  2. Victoria Arakelova: Three Figures from the Yezidi Folk Pantheon . ( [accessed February 10, 2018]).
  3. a b c Irene Dulz: The Yezidi in Iraq: between "model village" and escape . LIT Verlag Münster, 2001, ISBN 978-3-8258-5704-2 , p. 32 ( [accessed on February 8, 2018]).
  4. a b Eva Gnau: Religious persecution as a reason for flight using the example of the Yezidi ., 2014, ISBN 978-3-8428-0572-9 ( [accessed on February 8, 2018]).