Schickert works

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The Schickert-Werke are former chemical plants of Otto Schickert & Co. KG (Osco) as a subsidiary of the Elektrochemische Werke Munich, Dr. Adolph, Pietzsch & Co. (EWM), in Bad Lauterberg in the Harz ( Schickert-Werk Bad Lauterberg ) and in Rhumspringe ( Schickert-Werk Rhumspringe ) for the production of hydrogen peroxide , camouflaged as T-Stoff . Hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of 80 to 85% according to the Pietzsch-Adolph process , which is the hydrolysis of potassium peroxodisulphate to hydrogen peroxide, was used in the armaments industry of the Third Reich as an energy source for rocket engines, submarine turbines, torpedo units and as a jump starter for aircraft .