Battle for Miljevci

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Croatian soldiers
Serbian tank wreck

At the Battle of Miljevci , the Croatian army attacked on June 21, 1992 in the course of the Croatian War in front of the troops of the UNPROFOR units of the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina in Miljevci .

40 Serbian soldiers were killed in the attack . Many people were wounded. The Croatian soldiers captured some Serbian soldiers and also marched into the nearby village of Nos Kalik . The village was completely destroyed. One civilian was killed, the rest were imprisoned on the islands of Prvić and Obonjan near Šibenik .

UN reactions

The Secretary General of the United Nations , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , informed the members of the UN Security Council :

"On June 21, the Croatian army attacked positions of the Serbian Territorial Defense on the Miljevci Plateau near Drniš in the pink zone, south of the sector South and advanced several kilometers. The advance of the Croatian army was planned under the command of two brigades, and was the second in the same month. Both represent the breaking of the Sarajevo agreement of June 2, 1992. In response to this, both UNPROFOR and the EC Observation Mission filed a protest asking the Croatian army to withdraw to the previous lines. "

The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution No. 762 . However, the Croatian army refused to sign.

Web links

Commons : Battle for Miljevci  - collection of images, videos and audio files