Schmitz and Schmitzchen

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Schmitz and Schmitzchen were in the late 1960s to the early 1970s, a commercial separators of the WDR . The cartoon characters were developed and drawn by the French cartoonist Albert Champeaux, who created several animated films for television together with the filmmaker and producer Pierre Watrin. The spots ran in the regional program of the WDR as part of "Westdeutsches Werbefernsehen GmbH, Cologne" in the first program and were produced by OPTIMA-Film Cologne. Since the WDR only had Ute, Schnute, Kasimir developed specially commissioned advertising figures in 1978 , the spots were discontinued after a few years for licensing reasons.


The short commercials were about a father “Herr Schmitz” and his two daughters “Schmitzchen 1 and Schmitzchen 2”, and the animals “Buddy the Bear”, “Schnuff the Dog” and “Faustus the Parrot” appeared.

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