Sound frog

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Sound frog

The sound frog ( Thai กบ ไม้ แกะ สลัก "wood- carved frog", English wooden croaking frog ) is a scraping instrument carved out of wood in the shape of a sitting frog, the sound of which - if you scrape the toothed ridge with a wooden stick - croak resembles a frog.

The sound of the instrument is created by the fact that the wooden stick repeatedly bounces back when scraping over the comb, the teeth of which can vary depending on the size of the frog, creating a continuous short percussion. In addition, the sound frog, similar to a slotted drum , is hollow on the inside and slit up to the middle, so that the resulting noise builds up slowly and increases in resonance until it suddenly breaks off at the end of the comb. At the end of the slot, a cylindrical hollow runs across the middle of the body, into which the wooden stick is inserted during breaks.

The instrument, mainly known as a children's toy, originally comes from Thailand and East Asia (Japan), but due to its similar structure it can also be used as a percussion instrument , similar to temple blocks .

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