Schroettersche Landaufnahme

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The Schroettersche Landesaufnahme is a survey that recorded East Prussia and West Prussia . The result was a set of maps entitled “Map of East Prussia together with Prussian Litthauen and West Prussia together with the network district. Recorded from 1796 to 1802 “ with 25 sheets in a scale of 1: 150,000 was published.

The final artwork was completed in the summer of 1803. The handwritten original photo on a scale of 1: 50,000 remained under lock and key.

The Department Minister Friedrich Leopold Freiherr von Schroetter proposed and designed the survey. The astronomical location determinations were made by Artillery Lieutenant Johann Christoph v. Textor who supervised the trigonometric network. The building officer Friedrich Bernhard Engelmann led the surveying work. The map was engraved in copper by C. Jäck and others .

Frederick the Great had already ordered individual photographs of the parts of the country . The following maps were created:

  • War map of Silesia, taken by v. Wrede 1746-1753
  • Silesia on the left of the Oder, recorded by Regulator 1763–1770
  • Silesia on the right of the Oder, photographed by Hammer 1782–1784.
  • Brandenburg, Pomerania and the Duchy of Magdeburg, in the Schmettauschen map series from 1767 to 1787

During the survey of the country, it was found that the country expanded in north-south and east-west directions by around 43 km and 27 km less than previously assumed.

See also

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  • Friedrich Leopold von Schroetter : Map of East Prussia with Prussian Litthauen and West Prussia with Netzedistrict 1796–1802 . In: Hans Mortensen u. a. (Ed.): Historical-Geographical Atlas of the Prussian Country . Delivery 6. Steiner, Wiesbaden 1978, ISBN 3-515-02671-1 .
  • Winfried Bliss: The transmission of official maps in Brandenburg and Prussia. ( online )
  • Eckhard Jäger: The Schroettersche Landaufnahme of East and West Prussia (1796-1802). History of origins Production and distribution of the card. In: Journal for East Research. Volume 30, 1981, pages 359-389.
  • (Johann Christoph von) Textor: Description of the procedure for the trigonometric-topographical surveying of East and West Prussia, along with remarks on the surveying of entire countries. Berlin 1810