Letter of protection from Mohammed

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The letter of protection of Mohammed.
The Catherine's Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai in 2010.

The letter of protection of Mohammed ( English Patent of Muhammad or Ashtiname of Muhammad ; Arabic دير سانت كاترين) is a document supposedly created in the seventh century in the form of a letter of protection from the Islamic prophet Mohammed to the Greek Orthodox St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai , Egypt . In this letter, the monks received a message from Muhammad in which he addressed the followers of Christianity . In the letter, Mohammed placed the Christians of that time under his protection. According to legend, Mohammed benevolently stated that he had been treated well during a stay in the monastery before his calling to be a prophet and the resulting founding of his religion . For centuries, writing protected the monastery, which still exists today, from attacks by Muslim generals . Today the monastery only has a copy of the letter from an Ottoman sultan . The original is in a museum in Istanbul . However, the authenticity of the writing has been questioned by several scholars, not least because of chronological inconsistencies.

Content of the letter

In terms of content, the letter begins with a reference to a message from Muhammad as a covenant to Christians all over the world. Later he stressed that he and his followers would defend Christians. He is against everything that also displeases Christians. No coercion should be exercised on them. He particularly emphasized judges and clergymen who must not be impaired in their activities. He also prohibited the damage or even destruction of their places of worship, but also the theft of objects from them. Should someone break this prohibition, he would destroy the covenant of God and show disobedience to the prophet. He emphasized that the Christians were his allies and that the letter granted them protection from now on. He also emphasized that Christians should not be expelled or forced to fight. But Mohammed also deals with a possible marriage between a Christian and a Muslim, which can only be carried out if she agrees. After a completion, she may continue to visit her church and pray in it. Mohammed also called for respect for Christian churches. Nor should they be prevented from repairing churches. The sanctity of their covenants is also beyond question for Muslims. The letter ends with a reference that this covenant will apply forever.

Design of the letter

The letter is written in Arabic script and signed with two handprints of different sizes - a left and a right hand in different colors and sizes. The clearly smaller imprint on the right is golden. In addition, there are two drawings on the right edge that show a mosque below and that of a staircase to a building above. The document is damaged on the edges and has been folded several times in the past.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imam to the Pope: With “letters of protection from the Prophet” against Islamic terrorists . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , March 5, 2015. Retrieved May 23, 2017.
  2. The Katharinenkloster - Summary
  3. Muhammad's promise to Christians . In: OnFaith , December 30, 2009. Retrieved May 24, 2017. (English)
  4. ^ Haddad, Anton F., trans. The Oath of the Prophet Mohammed to the Followers of the Nazarene. New York: Board of Counsel, 1902; H-Vahabi: Lansing, MI: 2004