Protection Association of German Writers in Austria

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The Association of German Writers in Austria (SDSOe) was an advocacy group for Austrian writers .


The Association of German Writers in Austria began its work in 1914 as the Vienna branch of the Association of German Writers , founded in 1909 and chaired by Karl Hans Strobl . After the construction work of the local group stalled due to the First World War , Franz Karl Ginzkey chaired the local group. Even then, there were political rifts between Franz Karl Ginzkey and Robert Musil .

Club history

On November 26, 1923, at the general assembly of the Association of German Writers, the Association of German Writers in Austria was constituted as an independent organization. First chairman was Hugo von Hofmannsthal , the second chairman was Robert Musil. Other board members were Oskar Maurus Fontana , Rudolf Olden and Andreas Thom .

After Austria was annexed in 1938, the SDSOe was transferred to the Reich Association of German Writers, which was closed with the end of the National Socialist dictatorship .


The SDSOe campaigned in various areas for the financial and social legal concerns of writers in Austria. He negotiated with the competent authorities about newspaper and radio tariffs, the revision of copyright law and the possibility of health insurance and death benefit for authors. He also spoke out against censorship and positioned himself in contemporary debates.


  • Bachleitner, Norbert & Eybl, Franz M. & Fischer, Ernst (2000). History of the book trade in Austria . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Gschwandtner, Harald (2013). “Musil - Schnitzler - Kracauer. New Musil Letters in the German Literature Archive Marbach ”. In: Musil-Forum 32. 2011/2012. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. Pp. 207-219.
  • Hall, Murray G. (1977). "Robert Musil and the 'Protection Association of German Writers in Austria'". In: Austria in History and Literature 21. Issue 4. pp. 202–221.

Individual evidence

  1. Gschwandtner, Harald (2013). “Musil - Schnitzler - Kracauer. New Musil Letters in the German Literature Archive Marbach ”. In: Musil-Forum 32. 2011/2012. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. P. 209.