Weak unconditional Cauchy series

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Weakly unconditional Cauchy series , also called weak unconditionally convergent series or, for shorter, WUC series , are examined in the mathematical sub-area of functional analysis. They are not necessarily convergent series in Banach spaces with a certain additional property.


Let it be a Banach space, its dual space and a series in , which means, as always, the sequence of the partial sums . The series is called weak unconditionally Cauchy or weak unconditionally convergent if for every continuous , linear functional out holds.

This property is abbreviated to WUC after the English term weakly unconditionally Cauchy or weakly unconditionally convergent .


The term weak in the above definition means that it is a property that must apply to everyone .

The name component necessarily stems from the fact that the condition can also be replaced by the unconditional convergence of the series , because unconditional convergence and absolute convergence coincide in the basic body . A direct consequence of this observation is that every rearrangement of a WUC series is again WUC.

Since the sequence of the partial sums of a WUC series is obviously a weak Cauchy sequence , the name component Cauchy is also explained . Using convergent can be misleading because there is generally no weak convergence of the series.


For a series in a Banach space , the following statements are equivalent:

  • is WUC
  • There's a constant , so that
applies to all episodes from the episode space .
  • There's a constant , so that
holds for every finite subset and every choice of sign .
  • For every zero sequence in converges in
  • There is a continuous, linear operator with for all , where the n th unit sequence is in, that is , the sequence that has a 1 in the n th position and a 0 in all other positions.

Comparison with unconditional convergence

It is clear that necessarily convergent series are WUC. The reverse is generally not true. Consider the series of unit sequences in . As is well known, each is given by an absolutely convergent series . thats why


that is, is WUC. But this series does not converge in , so in particular it is not necessarily convergent. The following sentence specifies conditions under which a WUC series necessarily converges.

  • Let it be a WUC series in a Banach space and let the existing operator with according to the above characterization . Then the following statements are equivalent:

According to the following sentence, which goes back to Czesław Bessaga and Aleksander Pełczyński , one can characterize the spaces in which each WUC series necessarily converges. This sentence also shows that the counterexample given above is essentially the only one.

  • A Banach space has the property that every WUC series converges unconditionally if and only if it does not contain a sub- Banach space that is too isomorphic.

Individual evidence

  1. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory : Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-0-387-28142-1 , Definition 2.4.3
  2. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory : Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-0-387-28142-1 , page 39 below
  3. ^ J. Diestel: Sequences and series in Banach spaces , Springer-Verlag (1984), ISBN 0-387-90859-5 , Chapter V, Theorem 6
  4. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory : Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-0-387-28142-1 , Lemma 2.4.6 and Theorem 2.4.7
  5. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory : Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-0-387-28142-1 , set 2.4.8 and Theorem 2.4.10
  6. F. Albiac, NJ Kalton: Topics in Banach Space Theory : Springer-Verlag (2006), ISBN 978-0-387-28142-1 , Theorem 2.4.11