Analysis of weak points in corruption prevention

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A weak point analysis in corruption prevention is understood to be the process- oriented representation of risks and dangers in relation to the occurrence of corruption issues. Due to its process orientation, the weak point analysis is cross-functional and cross-departmental. While a risk analysis evaluates the risk of corruption in relation to individual positions or departments within an organization ( organizational structure ), the weak point analysis is based on the illumination of specific work processes , detached from their respective organizational positioning ( process organization ). This does not exclude the possibility that the weak point analysis can also be used in processes that are mainly handled by one point. As a rule, however, these are complex processes that cannot be adequately assessed by illuminating individual points.


Methodologically, the weak point analysis is based on anticipating corrupt behavior in cooperation with the employees in order to examine the existing process flows to see whether they are suitable to prevent such behavior in advance. In the weak point analysis for corruption, no standardized quantitative procedures are used , but rather qualitative - hermeneutic procedures. You will usually use one-day workshops for business process analysis together with employees of the organization carried out.

Individual evidence

  1. Stark, Carsten: Corruption Prevention. Classic and holistic approaches. Springer, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-06313-9 .
  2. Stark, Carsten: Organizational Integrity. Individual Misconduct and the Legal Structure of Society. Cham, Springer International 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-94086-1 .