Black-faced caterpillar

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Black-faced caterpillar
Black-faced caterpillar (Coracina novaehollandiae)

Black-faced caterpillar
( Coracina novaehollandiae )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Cuckooshrike (Campephagidae)
Subfamily : Campephaginae
Genre : Coracina
Type : Black-faced caterpillar
Scientific name
Coracina novaehollandiae
( Gmelin , 1789)
Black-faced caterpillar

The black-faced cuckooshrike ( Coracina novaehollandiae ) is a songbird from the family of cuckooshrike (Campephagidae) of the avifauna of Australia belongs. Occasionally he is seen as a stray visitor on New Zealand or Lord Howe Island .

Several subspecies are distinguished.


The 33 cm long black-faced caterpillar catcher is a slender bird with a black face, blue-gray underside, dark gray wing tips and white tail tip. The flight is undulating, after landing it briefly shakes its wings. The call is a creaky "Kaark" or a melodic whistle.


The bird lives in much of Australia . Migration behavior differs depending on the population: some migrate to New Guinea to hibernate , some stay nearby, others wander nomadically in Australia. These swarms settle where it has recently rained and where there are large numbers of insects. Except for rainforests, the animal inhabits most of the forested habitats. However, it also appears in residential areas and is often seen on power lines.


The black-faced caterpillar catcher looks for large insects and their larvae on the ground or in the leaves. Occasionally, berries complement the diet. Outside the breeding season, the caterpillars join together to form larger groups.


In the breeding season from August to February, both sexes build a small, bowl-shaped nest in a fork of branches made of twigs and pieces of bark, which is held together with cobwebs. The clutch usually consists of three eggs. Both adult birds take care of the young birds, which fledge at three weeks.


  • Colin Harrison & Alan Greensmith: Birds. Dorling Kindersley Limited, London 1993, 2000, ISBN 3-8310-0785-3
  • PJ Higgins (Eds.): Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds , Volume 7, Boatbill to Starlings, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, ISBN 0-195-53996-6 .
  • Bryan Richard: Birds. Parragon, Bath, ISBN 1-4054-5506-3

Web links

Commons : Coracina novaehollandiae  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Single receipts

  1. Higgins (ed.): Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds , Volume 7. p. 269.
  2. Higgins (Ed.): Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds , Volume 7. p. 266.