Schwarzkopf Phoe bully

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Schwarzkopf Phoe bully
Schwarzkopf Phoebetyrann (Sayornis nigricans)

Schwarzkopf Phoebetyrann ( Sayornis nigricans )

Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Tyrants (Tyrannidae)
Subfamily : Fluvicolinae
Tribe : Contopini
Genre : Phoebetyrants ( Sayornis )
Type : Schwarzkopf Phoe bully
Scientific name
Sayornis nigricans
( Swainson , 1827)
Sayornis nigricans -Montana de Oro State Park, California, USA-8.jpg

The Schwarzkopf Phoe Bully ( Sayornis nigricans ) is an American screeching bird.


The 16 cm long Schwarzkopf-Phoebetyrann is largely black in color, only the belly and rump are white. The upright posture of the seated bird and the long, stilted tail are further characteristics.


The bird lives in open areas near the water from southwest North America through Central America to Bolivia and northwest Argentina .


The black-headed phoebetyrant looks for insects from a control room near the water, which it hunts in flight. Occasionally he also catches small fish in the shallow water.


Two to six eggs are incubated for two to three weeks in a shell nest made of clay and grass, which is often built on a ledge near the water. The young birds fledge at three weeks. The bird often breeds twice a year.


Web links

Commons : Schwarzkopf-Phoebetyrann ( Sayornis nigricans )  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files