Swedish red cattle

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Swedish red cow

The domestic cattle breed Swedish Red Cattle , also called Swedish Red and White Cattle , is known in Sweden as Svensk Rödbrokig Boskap or Svensk Röd Och Vit Boskap and is an essentially red breed . As the second name suggests, there are also animals drawn in red and white.

The breed was created by crossing Swedish red cattle with Ayrshire cattle and Norwegian red cattle .

Adult cows of the breed weigh approx. 550 kg and adult bulls weigh approx. 800 kg. The breed is mainly used for milk production, but is also suitable for meat production.

In 2005, 152,000 cows of this breed produced 8599 kg milk with 4.33% fat and 3.50% protein. Despite the very high milk yield, the number of animals of this breed is falling in Sweden because the even more productive Holstein cattle are pressing this breed.

Web links

Commons : Swedish Red Cattle  - collection of images, videos and audio files