Sweat (hunting)

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Drops of sweat on sheet

Sweat is the hunter's name for the blood of the game and the hunting dog as soon as it emerges from the body of the animal. The meaning “blood” next to the common body sweat is already documented for the old Norse word “sveiti”. In some Germanic language levels, the verb "sweat" also means "swelling blood from animals".

The stalking signs (blood, meat, bones, etc.) made by welded-on game facilitate any search . The color and consistency of the sweat in the sweat trail suggest the location of the shot.

Derived terms

  • The trail marked by dripping blood from the wounded game is also known as a sweat trail or sweat trail .
  • Dripping blood from a welded but still standing animal creates a drip bed .
  • A wound bed is created when the sick animal crouches down in the sweat trail temporarily or until it dies.


Web links

Wiktionary: sweat  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.jagd-bayern.de/fileadmin/_BJV/Jagd_In_Bayern/jib_2008_02/JiB_2_08_Wort_Jaegerssprache_01.pdf