Swiss Peace Council

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The Swiss Peace Council is committed to peace policy initiatives, to participation in the peace efforts of the United Nations , for fair dealings with the countries of the South and for a social domestic and solidarity foreign policy.


The Swiss Peace Council was founded in December 1945 as an umbrella organization of pacifist Swiss organizations that campaigned for the political opening of Switzerland after the Second World War. He campaigned for European unification and the country's accession to the UN and worked on his own peace policy issues.

The Swiss Peace Council emerged from the initiatives of the religious-socialist theologian Leonhard Ragaz and his wife Clara Ragaz . The seat is in the former home of the Ragaz family in Zurich.


For decades the Peace Council fought for the introduction of civil service for those who refused to serve in the military . In the 1960s he demonstrated against the nuclear armament of Switzerland with the Easter marches , and in the 1970s against the Vietnam War .

The Peace Council was particularly committed to the 1972 arms export ban initiative and other restrictions on the arms trade . In the 1980s, the fight against the standing NATO - medium-range missiles in Europe in the foreground. He criticized the Swiss national defense ideology and total civil defense and engaged against the weapon slots in Rothenthurm SZ and Neuchlen-Anschwilen.

Today the Peace Council is increasingly involved in peace and human rights education , supports the UN system of collective security and oversees the Swiss campaign against small arms . He continuously comments on the current debate about the realignment of the Swiss Army . He is editor of the quarterly peace newspaper FriZ and other publications.

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