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The word Scooter ( English to scoot "cut off") refers to the following means of transportation:

  • a concept vehicle presented by VW in 1986, see VW Scooter
  • a small, often collapsible scooter, see scooters # microscooter and stuntscooter
  • a small single-track, mostly motorized two-wheeler, see scooters
  • a small, single-track, motorized two-wheeler with an electric drive (also known as an e-scooter ), see electric scooters
  • a ride on amusement areas with small electric cars, see bumper cars
  • a single-seat motor vehicle for elderly or disabled people, see electric vehicle
  • an underwater scooter for divers, see diving scooters
  • an overwater scooter for swimmers, see AquaScooter
  • an electric transporter built for Deutsche Post since 2014, see Streetscooter

Furthermore, Scooter stands for: