Various grass-like seed plants living in the sea are referred to as seagrass in German. In contrast to seaweed , seaweeds have roots and can bloom. They line the coastal regions in large numbers. Several groups belong to the seagrasses:
- Seagrass family (Zosteraceae) with the genera:
- Seagrasses ( Zostera )
- Heterozostera
- Phyllospadix
Other genera:
- Neptune grass ( Posidonia ) from the Posidoniaceae family (in the Mediterranean and the seas off Australia).
- The genera Cymodocea , Halodule , Syringodium and Thalassodendron from the family Cymodoceaceae
- Enhalus acoroides , Halophila and Thalassia from the family of the frog-bite family(Hydrocharitaceae), subfamily Halophiloideae
Colloquially, "seaweed" is also referred to as:
- The seagrass sedge ( Carex brizoides , in damp places inland)
- The crested pondweed ( Potamogeton pectinatus , in fresh and brackish water)
- Balances ( Ruppia ) such as the sea balance ( Ruppia maritima ) and the screwy balance ( Ruppia cirrhosa )
- The poly-fruited pond thread ( Zannichellia palustris subsp. Polycarpa ), a subspecies of the swamp pond thread (in fresh and brackish water)