Seelach school

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Seelach School, 2011

The Seelachschule is a historic school building in the Stuttgart district of Weilimdorf . The building at Glemsgaustraße 6 is protected according to § 2 DSchG BW .


The two-storey eaves brick building with a central projection is the successor to the old school building next to the Oswald Church . It was built in 1887/88 on the site of the cemetery, which was closed in 1869 due to overcrowding, and inaugurated in November 1888. The house originally consisted of four classrooms and a teacher's apartment under the roof. In 1908, an extension was built at the back, which accommodated three more classrooms, a new toilet, the stairwell and a second teacher's apartment. The opening of the Wolfbusch School in 1933 brought relief for the still overcrowded school building. In 1967, the primary and secondary schools moved to the newly built Reisach School . The special school that was established in 1967/57 was housed in the old school building, after which it was given the name Seelachschule .


  • Cornelia Karow: From the old school to the Seelach school . In: Reinhard Heinz (Red.): 750 years of Weilimdorf. History and stories for the 1993 anniversary . Stuttgart-Weilimdorf 1993, p. 90