Self-avoiding path

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This path never returns to a point already visited.

In the mathematical theory of random walks , self-avoiding paths are paths on a grid that never return to a previously visited point.

Self-avoiding paths are the simplest mathematical model for arranging long polymer chains .

The computation of self-avoiding paths is a central topic of percolation theory . There are numerous assumptions about the behavior of self-avoiding paths, supported by empirical research and heuristics. However, little has been mathematically proven of these assumptions, especially in the low dimensions that are interesting for applications .


Square grid
Hexagonal grid

Let it be a lattice in -dimensional space , for example, or the hexagonal lattice in the plane.

A self-avoiding path in the grid is a path that visits each grid point at most once.

Number of self-avoiding paths

For a given grid, let the number of self-avoiding paths be of length . The consequence is subadditive and therefore the limit value exists


It will serve as the connection constant (English: connective constant ) denotes the grid.

The only lattice for which the connected constant is explicitly known is the hexagonal lattice. For this, Duminil-Copin and Smirnow have proven that


The inequality applies to the grid


For , i.e. for the square grid , one can calculate numerically .

Numerical experiments support the conjecture that asymptotically holds for all grids , which would mean that, in contrast to the exponential factor, the subexponential factor would be the same for all grids.


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Individual evidence

  1. Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Smirnov, Stanislav: The connective constant of the honeycomb lattice equals . Ann. of Math. (2) 175 (2012), no. 3, 1653-1665.