Self-portrait as Apostle Paul

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Self-portrait as Apostle Paul (Rembrandt van Rijn)
Self-portrait as Apostle Paul
Rembrandt van Rijn , 1661
Oil on canvas
91 × ​​77 cm
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

The self-portrait as the Apostle Paul is a self-portrait by Rembrandt van Rijn , dated 1661. The 91 centimeter high and 77 centimeter wide painting, executed in oil on canvas, is one of a series of self-portraits that allow Rembrandt's aging to become comprehensible. The work is in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam .

Image description

In the self-portrait as the Apostle Paul , Rembrandt takes on a historical role and thus places himself in a further narrative context. The picture shows Rembrandt in dark clothes against a predominantly dark background. Only the upper left corner of the picture, where the signature is attached, is lighter. The white turban he wears as a headdress is the lightest section of the picture. Rembrandt holds an edition of the Old Testament in his hand , the letters of which are based on the Hebrew language . The sword as a typical attribute of the apostle Paul of Tarsus , who with it militantly spread his teachings and was executed with one, is only indicated by its pommel.


Paul was one of the most important apostles who ministered in the Eastern Mediterranean and proclaimed his interpretation of Christian doctrine. He propagated that human happiness lies in liberation through the love of God and not in the fulfillment of laws. This teaching was taken up again by Luther in the Reformation . That Rembrandt portrayed himself in the role of the Apostle Paul is also understood as a reaction to his own life, which was not perfect, and thus also as an admission of dependence on the grace of God.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Christian Tümpel: Rembrandt in self-testimonies and image documents. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1977. p. 125.