Self-cleaning process

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In German law, the term self-cleaning procedure is used to describe investigation procedures under civil service law and professional law.

The self-cleaning procedure in civil service law

The self-cleaning procedure is regulated in Section 18 of the Federal Disciplinary Act and in the disciplinary laws of the federal states. An officer can then request disciplinary proceedings against himself. The purpose of the self-cleaning procedure is that the civil servant can dispel allegations (official offenses ) against himself or against his official conduct .

The self-cleaning procedure in professional law

The professional law of lawyers also provides for a self-cleaning procedure in Section 123 of the Federal Lawyers' Act . A lawyer can be as a directed against itself attorney judicial inquiry with a indictment for lawyer Court operate due to any professional duty injuries.

Individual evidence

  1. Hartstang , the German lawyer, 1986, p 179th