Senior gymnastics

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The senior gymnastics , even old gym called, is an independent form of movement of sport that takes into account the age-related changes of man.


As a rule, senior gymnastics is carried out in groups by recognized gymnastics teachers, whereby the participants should generally be at least 60 years of age. Appropriately dosed and selected, this exercise offer can be used up to old age and also for people with disabilities. Their exercises primarily train natural movements and are essentially taken from general gymnastics .

Relaxation, stretching and strengthening exercises can train the elasticity of the musculoskeletal system. Exercises against poor posture become necessary, and coordination, reaction, walking and balance exercises maintain the safety of motor skills in order to protect against clumsiness and accidents. But also the promotion of flexibility as well as exercises that train the brain are part of the program of every exercise class.

Senior gymnastics is not physiotherapy , but a measure to prevent illnesses (prevention). It helps to maintain or improve physical and mental mobility and largely to avoid the need for care. In individual cases, e.g. B. after illness or age-related illnesses, the consent of the family doctor is desired. On the other hand, physiotherapy, a therapeutic measure prescribed by the doctor, is carried out by medically trained physiotherapists .


At the end of the 1960s, “gymnastics for the elderly” was developed by Irmtraud Klages, sports teacher and volunteer in the DRK district association in Lörrach. Together with the Federal Association of the German Red Cross , a curriculum was drawn up, after which the first instructors for senior gymnastics were trained in 1972. This offer was intended to strengthen the personal resources of the elderly. In 1974 water aerobics and in 1977 “sociable dancing” joined the DRK's exercise programs. These offers are continuously developed.

See also


  • Renate Beyschlag: Elderly gymnastics and small games . 10th edition. Elsevier, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-437-27721-4
  • Silke von Zedlitz-Herpertz: Activating support with older people: collection of exercises . 2nd edition E. Reinhardt. Munich, Basel. 2011. ISBN 978-3-497-02212-0

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