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Sepehr ( Persian سپهر'Sky') is Iran's over- the- horizon radar (OTH) . It is operated by the air forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard . The system went into operation in 2013. The exact location is secret. A similar system was established near Ahwaz .

Little is known about the facility in public. It is said to have a range of 2500 km and went into operation in 2013. The system should enable 3D images. Measurements showed that no FMCW modulation is used, but a wide, pulsating signal. The bandwidth of the occupied signal therefore varies extremely from 60 kHz to over 1 MHz. The signal is broadcast in the range around 28 MHz ( 10 m band ).

Individual sources claim that the system can detect American stealth bombers . Ballistic missiles that are fired at Iran should be able to be detected early with the system.

Individual evidence

  1. Iran successfully tests long-range radar system. In: Retrieved January 16, 2017 .
  2. 'Ghadir' OTH Radar - Signal Identification Wiki. In: Retrieved January 16, 2017 .
  3. War Is Boring: Iran Can Now Detect US Stealth Jets at Long Range . In: War Is Boring . June 4, 2014 ( [accessed January 16, 2017]).