10 meter tape

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The 10 meter band is a frequency band in the shortwave spectrum . It is in the frequency range from 28 MHz to 29.7  MHz and forms the transition from short waves to ultra-short waves . Atmospheric disturbances (such as thunderstorms ) are seldom noticeable, but artificial disturbances from e.g. B. Spark .

Propagation conditions

Close to the ground, the 10-meter tape still reaches stations 20 to 30 kilometers away. The range can increase due to various influences. Basically, a larger radio antenna gives you a greater range in higher positions . In addition to the transmission power , the reflectivity of the ionosphere is also decisive for the range.

The transmission path via the sky wave must be on the day side of the earth. Only in lower geographical latitudes are radio connections via sky waves possible after dusk or at night. Some radio stations at a distance of 2000 kilometers and more can be reached via the sky wave.

With a high number of sunspots , intercontinental connections are possible during the day even with the lowest transmission power (less than one watt) and small antennas.

In the sunspot minimum, DX connections of up to 2000 kilometers over the sporadic E-layer are only occasionally possible from May to August .

10 meter amateur band

The 10 meter band was reserved for amateur radio in 1927.

Band plan

The amateur radio - band plan sees the IARU Region 1 as follows:

Frequency range Max. Bandwidth use
28.000-28.070 MHz 200 Hz CW, QRS activity center 28.055 MHz, QRP activity center 28.060 MHz
28.070-28.120 MHz 500 Hz Narrow band, digimode
28.120-28.150 MHz 500 Hz Narrow band, digimode, automatic digital stations
28.150-28.190 MHz 500 Hz Narrow band
28.190-28.199 MHz - international beacon project, regional beacons, no broadcasting
28.199-28,201 MHz - international beacon project, worldwide beacons, no broadcasting
28201-28.225 MHz - international beacon project, no broadcasting
28.225-28.300 MHz 2700 Hz all modes of operation, beacons
28.300-28.320 MHz 2700 Hz all operating modes, digimode, automatic digital stations
28.320-29.000 MHz 2700 Hz all modes of operation, activity center SSB (USB) QRP 28.360 MHz
29.000-29.100 MHz 6000 Hz all operating modes
29.100-29.200 MHz 6000 Hz all operating modes, digimode, FM simplex
29.200-29.300 MHz 6000 Hz all operating modes, digimode, automatic digital stations
29.300-29.510 MHz 6000 Hz Satellite downlink
29.510-29.520 MHz - Protection channel
29.520-29.590 MHz 6000 Hz Narrow band FM relay, input (RH1-RH8)
29.600 MHz 6000 Hz Narrowband FM calling frequency
29.610 MHz 6000 Hz Narrowband FM simplex, repeater (in / out)
29.620-29.690 MHz 6000 Hz all operating modes, narrowband FM relay, output (RH1-RH8)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. www.iaru-r1.org