Serge Aroles

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Serge Aroles is a French surgeon and writer. He is known for his research on the wolf children ( Marie-Angélique Memmie LeBlanc ), the German scholar Johann Michael Vansleb (Germany 1635 - France 1679) and the life of the Ethiopian king Zaga Christ (1610-1638), on whose biography he based on Ethiopians Manuscripts could throw a new light in part.

His research on the German-born scholar Johann Michael Wansleben (Vansleb, Wansleb) is used by the French National Archives as part of the exhibition “Mésopotamie, carrefour des cultures” (“ Mesopotamia , Way of the Cross of Cultures”) on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Dominican Order , organized in the Paris headquarters of the National Archives. This research includes, above all, the complete analysis of the household archives of Louis XIV ( comptes du Trésor royal , 110,000 pages). The new documents that were found prove that Wansleben - meanwhile converted to Catholicism and a Dominican abroad - was sent from France to the Orient as a spy. In the exhibition you can see the “universal and unlimited” pass that was issued to Vansleb by the Sun King .


  • Serge Aroles: Johann Michael Vansleb. Archives inédites sur Vansleb: espion de Colbert vers l'Éthiopie . In: Jacques Charles-Gaffiot - Alain Desreumaux (dir.): Grandes Heures des Manuscrits Irakiens . Ed. du Net, Paris 2015, pp. 96–99.312. Catalog of the exhibition of the French National Archives. ISBN 978-2-312-03367-9
  • Serge Aroles, Marie-Angélique (Haut-Mississippi, 1712 - Paris, 1775): Survie et résurrection d'une enfant perdue dix années en forêt, 2004 ( ISBN 2 915 587 019 )
  • Serge Aroles: L'Énigme des enfants-loups: Une certitude biologique mais un déni des archives (1304-1954) , 2007 ( ISBN 2748339096 )
  • Serge Aroles: Zaga Christ . In: Dictionnaire Richelieu , dir. F. Hildesheimer, D. Harai, éd. Honoré Champion, 2015, ISBN 978-2-7453-2866-3