Sergei Michailowitsch Stischow

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Sergei Michailowitsch Stischow , Russian Сергей Михайлович Стишов , English transcription Sergei Michailovich Stishov, (born December 12, 1937 in Moscow ) is a Russian physicist and geochemist who specializes in high pressure physics.

Stischow studied at Lomonosov University with a diploma in 1960, received his doctorate from the Institute of Geochemistry in 1962 (candidate degree) and completed his habilitation in 1974 (Russian doctorate) at the Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences, where he was group leader from 1962 and 1968 and department head in 1986 has been. He is the director of the Institute for High Pressure Physics in Troitsk.

In 1961 he and Svetlana W. Popowa at the Institute for High Pressure Physics in Troizk (Moscow) succeeded in synthesizing a high pressure variant of silicon dioxide, which was later named after him, stishovite , in which the silicon is bound sixfold instead of the usual fourfold. It was found soon after by Edward CT Chao in a meteorite crater ( Barringer Crater ). The high pressure variant was predicted by Albert Francis Birch as early as 1952 . He then used neutron scattering to investigate many other substances under high pressures of up to around 100 Giga-Pascal, for example solid hydrogen up to 31 GPa (with applications on the physics of gas planets such as Jupiter).

He also dealt with quantum phase transitions and magnetic phase transitions in solids.

In 2005 he received the Bridgman Award and in 2014 the Kapiza gold medal .

Since 1993 he has been an advisor to Los Alamos National Laboratory . He is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences .


  • Memoir on the discovery of high-density silica , High Pressure Research, Volume 13, 1995, pp. 245-280

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Individual evidence

  1. Stishov, Popova, Geochimia, Volume 10, 1961, p. 837