Lomonosov University Moscow
Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова / МГУ Lomonossow University Moscow |
founding | January 12th jul. / January 23, 1755 greg. |
Sponsorship | state |
place | Moscow , Russia |
Rector ( Ректор ) |
Viktor Sadovnichi (Виктор Садовничий) |
Students | approx. 40,000 |
Employee | approx. 11,500 |
including professors | approx. 1,000 |
Website | www.msu.ru |

The Lomonossow University Moscow or Moscow State University is the largest university in Russia . The Russian name is Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова ( МГУ ), transcribed by Moskovsky gossudarstwenny uniwersitet imeni MW Lomonossowa (MGU) .
The university was opened on January 12th . / January 23, 1755 greg. Founded by decree of Elizabeth I at the suggestion of the polymath and writer Michail Lomonossow by Ivan Shuvalov . In 1940 the surname of the university's founder was made an official part of its name. The anniversary of the foundation is now celebrated on the Gregorian January 25th, as the foundation is traditionally associated with the feast of St. Tatiana and the Russian Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar .
Many Soviet and Russian personalities from politics, art and science are graduates of this university, u. a. also Mikhail Gorbachev . There are currently around 40,000 students from all disciplines enrolled at the university. The asteroid (6355) Univermoscow is named after her.
Until 2019, the Russian President had the right to extend the rector's term of office twice beyond retirement age; So that the now 80-year-old rector Viktor Sadownitschi could remain in office after 27 years, the Duma changed the wording and deleted the restriction "twice".
Lomonosov University is currently (January 2013) divided into 41 faculties and a number of institutes and study centers, including:
- Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
- Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Physicochemical Engineering
- Faculty of Biology
- Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
- Faculty of Soil Science
- Faculty of Geology
- Faculty of Geography
- Faculty of Global Processes
- Faculty of Materials Science
- Faculty of Basic Medicine
- Faculty of History
- Philological Faculty
- Philosophical Faculty
- Faculty of Business and Economics
- Business School (Faculty)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Journalism
- Faculty of Psychology
- Institute for Asian and African Studies
- Faculty of Sociology
- Faculty of Foreign Languages
- Faculty of State Administration
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of World Politics
- Faculty of Educational Training
- Faculty of Additional Education
- Institute for training and further education for teachers of the humanities and social sciences
- Center for the re-training of science and education specialists
- Moscow Business School of MSU
- Faculty of Military Education
- Institute for Physical Culture and Sport
- Center for international training (preparation for studying at MGU).
The main building of Moscow State University hosts as infrastructure and meals, dormitories, medical facilities, concert hall, swimming pool, theater u. a.
The university is located on the Sparrow Hills (formerly Lenin Mountains) not far from the city center in the West district , in the middle of an extensive park. The Uniwersitet and Vorobyovy Gory metro stations are nearby .
On the occasion of Moscow's 800th anniversary in 1947, the foundation stones were laid for the construction of the modern building complex of Lomonosov University. The central component is a high-rise, which, as one of the so-called “ Seven Sisters ” of Moscow, takes on a symbolic position. The complex, built under the direction of the architect Lev Rudnew in the style of the Stalin confectioner style, is strictly symmetrical to the tower. The spire was requested by Stalin himself. The tower is adorned with neoclassical decor and a number of socialist hero sculptures. The huge dimensions of this 240 m high university building go far beyond the actual requirements. When it was completed in 1953, the skyscraper was the tallest building outside of North America and was only surpassed by the 249 m high 63 Building in Seoul ( South Korea ) in 1985 . The architectural criticism speaks of a monumental building with decoratively overloaded neoclassicism.
In addition to Gorbachev, the university has ten other Nobel Prize winners:
year | Surname | Nobel Prize |
1956 | Nikolai Nikolayevich Semyonov | Nobel Prize in Chemistry |
1958 | Igor Evgenevich Tamm | Nobel Price for physics |
1958 | Ilya Michailowitsch Frank | Nobel Price for physics |
1958 | Boris Leonidowitsch Pasternak | Nobel Prize in literature |
1962 | Lev Dawidowitsch Landau | Nobel Price for physics |
1964 | Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov | Nobel Price for physics |
1975 | Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov | Nobel Peace Prize |
1978 | Pyotr Leonidowitsch Kapiza | Nobel Price for physics |
1990 | Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev | Nobel Peace Prize |
2003 | Vitali Lasarewitsch Ginsburg | Nobel Price for physics |
2003 | Alexei Alexejewitsch Abrikossow | Nobel Price for physics |
Even Anton Chekhov and Ivan Turgenev have studied here.
Between 1951 and 2002 there was an ice hockey team at the university , which in the 1990s played as "MGU Moscow" in the second division, which is, however, the fourth division. In 1999 the team rose to the third division, the Pervaya League (literally: First League), and in 2001 won the championship in this league. Between 2001 and 2002 it played in the East European Hockey League . Due to financial problems, however, the team was initially withdrawn from the game in October 2002 and later dissolved.
See also
- List of Rectors and Directors of Moscow University
- List of tallest structures in Europe
- Moscow University
Web links
- Moscow State University
- Picture gallery
- Studying at Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov (MGU)
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c http://www.msu.ru/ge/ - German-language information page of the university ( memento of the original from January 26, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ The State Duma approved a law on Putin's right to fully extend Sadovnichy's powers , Novaya Gazeta, November 20, 2019
- ^ Structure of the MGU (Russian)
- ^ Structure of the MGU ( Memento of the original from September 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (German); incomplete
- ^ Nobel Prize Laureates from MSU. Retrieved September 26, 2014 .
- ↑ hockeyarchives.info
- ↑ hcmsu.narod.ru
Coordinates: 55 ° 42 ′ 11 ″ N , 37 ° 31 ′ 50 ″ E