Sergei Stefanowitsch Sukhinov

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Sergei Stefanowitsch Sukhinov ( Russian Сергей Стефанович Сухинов ; born January 14, 1950 in Moscow ) is a Russian children's author.


After studying at MAI , Sukhinov worked for 15 years in an aeronautical engineering design office. Sukhinov is a doctor of technical sciences.

He has been a full-time writer since 1989. Sukhinov has written 35 books, most of which are children's books. The total circulation exceeds the million mark. He is the winner of the International Fantasy Writers Competition in 1981. His books from the Emerald City series are particularly popular .

In addition to his writing, he also translates books from English. So appeared u. a. a six-volume edition by the American fantasist Edmond Hamilton in translation of Sukhinov.


  • Further adventures from the emerald city
    These volumes have not yet been published in Germany.
  1. Дочь Гингемы - Gingema's daughter (1997)
  2. Фея Изумрудного города - The Fairy of the Emerald City (1997)
  3. Секрет волшебницы Виллины - The Secret of the Sorceress Willina (1997)
  4. Меч чародея - The Sorcerer's Sword (1998)
  5. Вечно молодая Стелла - The Forever Young Stella (1998)
  6. Алхимик Парцелиус - Parzelius, the Alchchemist (1999)
  7. Битва в Подземной стране - The Battle of the Underground Land (2000)
  8. Король Людушка - King Ludushka (2002)
  9. Чародей из Атлантиды - The Warlock of Atlantis (2002)
  10. Рыцари Света и Тьмы - The Knights of Light and Shadow (2004)
  • Märchen aus dem Zauberland
    These volumes were also not published in Germany.
  1. Корина - ленивая чародейка - Korina - the lazy sorceress (2000)
  2. Корина и Людоед - Korina and Ludushka (2000)
  3. Ученик волшебницы Виллины - The pupil of the sorceress Willina (2000)
  4. Маленький дракон - The Little Dragon (2000)
  5. Хрустальный остров - The Crystal Island (2000)
  6. Корина и волшебный единорог - Korina and the Enchanted Unicorn (2000)
  7. Трое в заколдованном лесу - Three in the Enchanted Forest (2000)
  8. Черный Туман - The Black Fog (2000)
  9. Повелитель Летучих обезьян - The Lord of the Flying Monkeys (2000)


  • Thomas Gaevert "Paths to Oz", radio documentary about Lyman Frank Baum, Alexander Wolkow and Leonid Wladimirsky, (also contains a detailed interview with Sergej Sukhinov about his literary role models Lyman Frank Baum, Alexander Wolkow and his own work as a writer) Production: Südwestrundfunk 2009 , First broadcast: June 21, 2009, SWR 2