Serpil Pak

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Serpil Pak (* before 1992) is a German-Turkish actress and cabaret artist .

Together with Nursel Köse , she founded the “Putzfrauenkabarett” Die Bodenkosmetikerinnen in Münster in 1992 , which staged three different programs across Germany in the first eight years. The fourth cabaret piece by the group, which has since worked in Berlin, Arabesk (2004), was funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

In addition to those of her cabaret group, numerous projects included solo programs, appearances as a rapper as well as the DX cooking studio she designed and moderated at Hebbel am Ufer and the production Dolmus Express (both in 2006), which was funded by the Federal Culture Foundation .

In addition, Pak was active as a radio play speaker ( Die Ameisenfrau , 1997) and actress in various productions.

In her job, Pak is a qualified psychologist .

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