Service Provisioning Markup Language

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The Service Provisioning Markup Language ( SPML ) is an XML -based framework, developed by OASIS , for the exchange of user, resource and service provisioning information between cooperating organizations. Service provisioning generally describes the preparation of certain (IT) activities.

SPML standardization

The Service Provisioning Markup Language is an open standard for the integration and transmission of service provisioning requests. SPML Version 1.0 was released as the standard by OASIS in October 2003. Version 2.0 followed in April 2006.

Service provisioning

Service provisioning generally describes the preparation of certain (IT) activities. It goes beyond the original goal of resource delivery and refers to managing the entire lifecycle of those resources. This includes the provisioning of digital services such as user accounts and access privileges on certain systems, networks and applications as well as the provisioning of non-digital or “physical” resources such as cell phones or credit cards.

"Provisioning is understood to mean the automation of all necessary steps for the administration (installation, change and withdrawal) of user or system access authorizations or data relating to electronically provided services."


The aim of SPML is to enable organizations to create user interfaces for web services and applications quickly and securely without having to be tied to proprietary solutions. This is achieved by enabling SPML enterprise platforms such as web portals, application servers and service centers to generate internal and cross-company provisioning requests.

example 1

A supplier (company A) uses the portal of a business partner (company B) to make an inquiry regarding the inventory, which is stored in a back office system. In its response to the request, company B initiates an SPML request to the SPML-enabled identity management software of company A. After the required permissions have been automatically determined, company B grants company A the appropriate access level to access the data to allow Company A needs. This process takes place without the portal environment having to have in-depth knowledge of the back office environment. In other words: everything runs automatically.

Example 2

A vendor's HR department adds a new employee to their HR system. The HR system creates an SPML document. This is passed on to the provisioning system and triggers the creation of the corresponding internal user accounts for the new employee. The internal provisioning system forwards the document to the provisioning system of a customer in order to initiate the creation of corresponding user accounts there.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) Ratified as OASIS Standard . OASIS . Retrieved August 8, 2018.
  2. SPML FAQ translated into German, archived copy ( memento of the original from November 22, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Archived copy ( memento of the original from December 25, 2004 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. according to [1]