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Seschemetka in hieroglyphics
n / a

Seschemetka (Seschemet ka)
Sšm.t k3 Who directed
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Seschemetka was an ancient Egyptian queen of the 1st Dynasty . She was probably a wife of King Djer . Seschemetka is known from her tombstone, which was found in Abydos next to the grave complex of Djer in one of the numerous side burials. She carried the title The looks Horus , Weret-hetes and the the Seth carries .

The tombstone is now in the Oriental Institute in Chicago and has inventory number 5863. It is 32 cm high and 19.5 cm wide.


  • Silke Roth: The royal mothers of ancient Egypt . Wiesbaden 2001, ISBN 3-447-04368-7 , p. 379
  • Geoffrey Thorndike Martin: Umm el-Qaab VII, Private Stelae of the Early Dynastic Period from the Royal Cemetery at Abydos , Archäologischer Publicungen 123, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-447-06256-5 , pp. 82-83, no. 96, plate 28.