Sextus Pompey Sabinus

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Sextus Pompeius Sabinus (full name form Sextus Pompeius Spuri filius Pollia Sabinus ) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 1st century AD .

Two stations of his career, which he probably completed in the last third of the 1st century, are known through an inscription. The only military command of the Sabinus was that of a prefect of the Ala Tauriana . He then became governor ( Procurator Augusti ) of the province of Epirus ; this post was linked to an annual income of 100,000 sesterces . Clemens was probably enrolled in the Pollia tribe .


  • Hans-Georg Pflaum : Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain , Paris 1960, volume 1.


  1. According to Hans-Georg Pflaum, there are only a few examples in which the military career began with command of an Ala .

Individual evidence

  1. Inscription ( CIL 3, 12299 ).
  2. Hans-Georg Pflaum : Les Carrières , No. 53, p. 123.