Shareware Authors Association

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Shareware Authors Association

The Shareware Authors Association (SAVE) was founded in 1996. She was a community in which authors of shareware and freeware were merged.

Membership was free; Anyone who had created at least one shareware or freeware program and offered this in German on a legally unobjectionable website could become a member. Membership offered the software authors the advantage of a common platform, the opportunity to discuss the scene in the forum, as well as access to the SAVE press distribution list, FAQ, etc.

In the meantime, SAVE claims to have been Europe's largest shareware authors' association, but by the 2010s at the latest, there was a lack of volunteers . The adaptation of numerous scripts on the website, which became necessary after an update of the server architecture , could no longer be carried out in this way. The forum had been in read-only mode since 2011, which meant that there was no central exchange medium between different authors.

In 2018, the official website was finally closed and put up for sale through a domain dealer.

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