Shelley from Strunckel

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Shelley von Strunckel (born July 15, 1946 in Los Angeles ) is an American astrologer whose daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes appear in six languages ​​and are printed in the USA, Europe, the Middle East and in Australia and Asia spread.


Shelley von Strunckel was born on July 15, 1946 in Hollywood, California. First she worked in fashion and advertising and at the same time graduated from the University of California (evening school) with a degree in history of fashion and psychology of fashion trends.

She later discovered her interest in astrology and was discovered in 1991 by astrologer Patric Walker. She soon worked with clients in New York, London and Los Angeles and gained some notoriety as she commented and analyzed current news and politicians astrologically . In 1992 she wrote the first astrological column for a British newspaper, the London Sunday Times . She also wrote for other newspapers and magazines, such as Vogue, and appeared on television and radio programs.

In the area of charity , she is involved in the fight against AIDS, in cooperation with the Red Cross, and participates in fundraising for the English National Opera .

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