Shiliao bencao

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The Shiliao bencao ( Chinese  食疗 本草 , Pinyin Shíliáo běncǎo  - "Edible medicinal plants from diet therapy") was written by Meng Shen ( 孟 诜 ) (621–713) from the time of the Tang Dynasty and supplemented by Zhang Ding ( 张鼎 ) (8th century). It consisted of three booklets (juan) and dates from about the year 686. It is one of the earliest dietetic works in Chinese medicine.

The entire work contained 227 foods used for both edible and dietetic purposes. The original is lost, a current compilation of lost texts from it brings it to 260. The properties of the medicine, effects, contraindications and simple recipes are given under each point.

Original title

The original title of the work was Buyang fang ( 补养 方  - "tonic recipes"). Zhang Ding ( 张鼎 ) has added 89 recipes to a total of 227 recipes. That's why it was renamed to its current name.


According to the Han-De yixue da cidian , “ some texts can still be found in“ Classified Medicinal Herbs ”and“ Ishinpo ”by Yasurori Tanba (912-995), a well-known Japanese doctor. “The first-mentioned work is the Chinese work known by its acronym called Zhenglei bencao ( 证 类 本草 ) and the Japanese book called Ishimpō . In 1907 a manuscript of the text was discovered in Dunhuang , which was published by the famous Chinese researcher Luo Zhenyu ( 罗 珍 玉 ) under the title Dunhuang shiwo suijin ( 敦煌 石室 碎金 ).


In 1984 the Beijing publishing house Renmin weisheng chubanshe published a critical edition by Xie Haizhou ( 谢 海 州 ) and Ma Jixing ( 马继兴 ) et al. which includes the texts of the above works and the Dunhuang manuscript. The work is also included in the Japanese book series Chugoku shokkei sosho .

See also

Web links

  • V. Lo, P. Barrett: Cooking up fine remedies: on the culinary aesthetic in a sixteenth-century Chinese Materia Medica. In: Medical history. Volume 49, Number 4, October 2005, pp. 395-422, ISSN  0025-7273 . PMID 16562328 . PMC 1251637 (free full text).
  • "TCM Chronology" (engl.)


Individual evidence

  1. Zhongguo pengren cidian, p. 660
  2. See Han-De yixue da cidian (Chinese-German dictionary of medicine) keyword “Shiliao bencao”! Much of the information in this work, like this one, is slightly in need of revision, but leads close to what is meant. Needham / Huang speaks of the Ishinhō des Tamba no Yasuyori .