Sholam Weiss

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Sholam Weiss, 2018

Sholam Weiss (born April 1, 1954 , also: Shalom Weiss) is an American businessman and convicted fraudster.

As a consultant, Sholam Weiss defrauded the National Heritage Life Insurance Company in Florida by more than 400 million US dollars in an extremely complicated and inscrutable way . It was the biggest insurance fraud in American history. In doing so, he stole the savings of some 27,000, mostly elderly Americans, who had put all of their retirement savings with the insurance company.

The FBI and Interpol discovered the fugitive since October 1999 in Brazil and followed him there. After a turbulent persecution, they arrested Weiss, who had completely changed his appearance, on October 24, 2000 in Vienna , whereupon he was sentenced to extradition . As a result, the USA submitted an extradition request to the Republic of Austria. The extradition was approved by the Federal Minister of Justice after a lengthy process after securing in all directions.

Weiss was sentenced to 845 years in prison, the longest sentence ever imposed for a white-collar crime . He had entered prison in Coleman, Florida, but was then transferred to the maximum security prison in Lewisburg, where he is now incarcerated.

In 2011, his sentence was reduced by 10 years to 835 years.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daniel Roberts: Orange is the New White-Collar . Fortune . July 7, 2014 .: "In 2011, a judge reduced that sentence ... by 10 years."