Shorin-ryu Seibukan

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Shōrinryū Seibukan is a branch of the Shōrin-ryū style ( Japanese少林 流), whose name goes back to the Chinese origin in the Shaolin monastery (少林). In Japanese , Shōrin Sukunai Hayashi is read.


The Karate style Shorinryu Seibukan was founded in the year 27 of the Showa period (≈1953) by Zenryō Shimabukuro , a student of Chotoku Kyan , as Kokusai okinawa shorinryu seibukan - Japanese 国際 沖 縄 少林 流 聖 武館 (International Okinawa Shorinryu Seibukan). The training first took place in front of his home in Okinawa . At first he taught only a few students, including his son Zenpo (now Supreme Sensei ) and his nephew Zenji Shimabukuro.

In 1962 he built his first own dojo in Jagaru, Okinawa, and named it Seibukan (聖 武館).

In 1964 the All Okinawan Karate do federation awarded him the highest rank in karate, the 10th Dan (red belt). During the American occupation, he also taught US soldiers and thus ensured the spread of the style.

In 1969 on October 14th he died of a ruptured appendix. Since then, his son Zenpo has continued his father's work.

In Germany the dojos concentrate on the eastern Bavarian region.

Training schedule

The training is divided into the categories Kihon Renshu (basic exercises), Ippon-Kumite (single attack, defense and counter-attack), Kata, Kumite (free fight).

The style is characterized by relatively small and natural stalls and its maneuverability. It is one of the few traditional styles of karate. Karatekas who practice this style are primarily interested in receiving the katas as they are taught.

Kihon Renshu

基本 練習 Basic exercises

No. Surname Kanji literal translation
1. Kata no Hogushi 肩 の 解 し Loosen shoulders
2. Koshi no Kaiten 腰 の 回 転 Hip circles
3. Kushin no Undo 苦心 の 運動 Joint gymnastics
4th Hiza no Kaiten 膝 の 回 転 Turn knees
5. Koshi no Undo 腰 の 運動 Hip exercise
6th Yubi Saki no Ude Tate Fuse 指 先 の 腕 立 て 伏 せ Fingertip Pushups
7th Kobushi no Ude Tate Fuse 拳 の 腕 立 て 伏 せ Fist pushups
8th. Kushin no Hogushi 苦心 の 解 し Loosen the joints
9. Shomen Zuki 正面 突 き Punch forward
10. Renzoku Chūdan Zuki 連 続 中段 突 き Serial hits to the middle
11. Mae Geri no Undo 前 蹴 り の 運動 Exercise for step forward
12. Hiza Age no Undo 膝上 げ の 運動 Exercise knee raises
13. Mae Geri 前 蹴 り Step forward
14th Shutō Uchi 手 刀 打 ち Hand edge strike
15th Gyaku Zuki 逆 突 き Counterstrike
16. Jōdan Uke 上 段 受 け Above defense
17th Ushiro Tsuki 後 突 き Blow backwards
18th Chūdan Uchi Otoshi 中段 打 ち 落 と し Chop to the middle
19th Yoko Geri no Undo 横 蹴 り の 運動 Exercise for step to the side
20th Yoko Geri 横 蹴 り Stand aside
21st Yoko Uraken 横 裏 拳 Strike aside with the back of your fist
22nd Gedan Barai - Chūdan Zuki 下 段 払 中段 突 Sweep down, hit the middle
23. Yoko Tsuki 横突 き Slap aside
24. Mawashi Geri 回 し 蹴 り Turning kick
25th Ushiro Geri 後 蹴 り Step backwards
26th Ashi Sukui 足 掬 い Scoop leg
26th Soto Uke 外 受 け Foreign defense
27. Ashi Barai 足 払 い Sweep leg
27. Hasami Uchi 鋏 打 ち Scissor cut
28. Yonkai Uchi 四 回 打 ち Quadruple strike
29 Chūdan Uke 中段 受 け Defense to the middle
30th Shutō Uke 手 刀 受 け Edge defense
31. Gedan Tsuki 下 段 突 き Slap down
32. Uke Kōgeki
(Ryōte Uke Chūdan Zuki)
受 け 攻 撃
(両 手 受 け 中段 突 き)
Defense attack
(defense with both hands towards the middle)
33. Ashi Uke 足 受 け Leg defense
34. Renzoku Tsuki Geri 連 続 突 き 蹴 り Series Schlag + Tritt
35. Fukin no undo Abdominal exercise
36. Kubi no Undo 首 の 運動 Neck exercise
37. Shin Kokyu 深呼吸 Breathe deeply

Zenhin Kotai

Forward backward. Exercises that are shown in combination 4 × forwards and 4 × backwards.

No. Surname
1 Shiko Dachi
2 Zenkutsu Dachi
3 Jodan Uke, Chudan Tsuki
4th Chudan Uke, Chudan Tsuki
5 Gedan Barai, Chudan Tsuki
6th Migi Jodan Tsuki, Hidari Chudan Tsuki
7th Hidari Jodan Tsuki, Migi Chudan Tsuki
8th Jodan Uke, Chudan Uchi Otoshi, Chudan Tsuki
9 Jodan Uke, Chudan Uke, Uraken, Gedan Barai, Chudan Tsuki
10 Sankai Tsuki
11 Chudan Uke Uraken
12 Ashi Barai
13 Mae Geri, Renzoku Tsuki
14th Oi Tsuki
15th Fumikomi Yoko Geri
16 Mae Geri, Yoko Geri, Ushiro Geri
17th Tobi Komi, Yoko Geri
18th Mawashi Yoko Geri, Ushiro Geri
19th Gyaku Tsuki, Yoko Geri, Renzoku Tsuki
20th Mae Geri, Kake Uke
21st Uke No Renshu
22nd Neko Dachi
23 Shuto Uke, Neko Dachi
24 Mikasuki Geri, Yoko Geri
25th Taisabaki
26th Kinniku Gatame


The name of the corresponding kata in other styles is given in brackets.

  1. Fukyugata ichi
  2. Fukyukata ni (gekisai dai ichi)
  3. Fukyukata san (Kanshiwa)
  4. Seisan
  5. Ananku
  6. Wansu ( Empi )
  7. Passai (Bassai)
  8. Gojushiho
  9. Wanchin
  10. Chintō (Gangaku)
  11. Kushanku ( Kanku Dai )
  12. Jion
  13. Pinan shodan (Heian nidan)
  14. Pinan nidan (Heian shodan)
  15. Pinan sandan (Heian sandan)
  16. Pinan yondan (Heian yondan)
  17. Pinan godan (Heian godan)
  18. Naihanshi shodan (Tekki shodan)
  19. Naihanshi nidan (Tekki nidan)
  20. Naihanshi sandan (Tekki sandan)
  21. Tokumine no Kun; Bo-Kata
  22. Passai Guwa

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