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Seisan ( Jap. セーサン , 十三 , 十三手 or 十三歩 JUSAN-ho ; Chin. 十三式 shisan shì , German , thirteen forms ' ; alternatively 半月 Hangetsu , German , crescent ' ) is a Kata of Karate . She will u. a. practiced in Gōjū-Ryū . In Shōtōkan it is known as Hangetsu .


The original meaning of Seisan is thirteen forms . The name was probably derived from the Chinese expression shísān shi - 十三 式 - origin of the "style of the 18 arhats ", Japanese 十八 羅漢拳 Jūhachi-rakan-ken . It stands for the 13 energies mentioned in the Book of Changes ( I Ching ) . Furthermore, the name refers to the eight defensive and five offensive techniques with movement changes contained in Seisan .


Seisan includes many contrasting techniques, for example fast and round movements to straight movements or fast, explosive movements to slow, powerful movements. The fast and slow techniques are both performed with minimal body movement in order to focus the concentration of force in the point of force delivery. The kata is also suitable for women who carry a child on their back. As in Seiyunchin and Shisochin , hand-to-hand combat techniques are also used here. Traditional gōjū-ryū techniques very often involve grasping and control techniques on an attacker in order to hit vulnerable parts of the body.

Literature (selection)

Videos (selection)

  • Andreas Ginger: Goju-Ryu Kata. Video production Geupel ( DVD , no age limit , approx. 100 min)
  • Mario Holderbach: Goju-Ryu-Kata. Best Fitness Solutions (DVD, no age limit)

Web links