Shower posse

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The Shower Posse is a criminal gang led by Christopher Coke , based in the Tivoli Gardens district in western Kingston , the capital of Jamaica .


One of the leaders of the gang was Christopher Coke's father, Lester Coke , who died in a mysterious fire in his prison cell in 1992 while awaiting extradition to the United States for murder and drug offenses. The gang is accused of being responsible for over 1,000 murders since the 1980s. The Shower Posse also operates in and outside of New York City, in southern New Jersey and along the East Coast, as well as in Dallas and Kansas City . There she is mainly involved in the drug and firearms trade. Prime Minister Bruce Golding had contacts with the Shower Posse because his constituency was in the gang-ruled district. He is said to have brokered construction contracts for the organization. The contacts should also be the reason for the unusually long duration of the extradition proceedings against Coke.


According to the Canadian crime expert Michael Chettleburgh, the name Shower Posse refers to a hail of bullets that claims numerous victims. Other sources see the name in reference to the Coke family's close ties to the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP). With its motto "Power to the People", the JLP promised a shower, symbolically a rain of money for the poor. The term posse is derived from the American for gang, troop .

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  1. Archived copy ( Memento of November 16, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
  3. The gangs adopted the term "posse" because of their fondness for American western films and because the word connoted the use of violence to enforce political will and to protect neighborhoods from intrusion by rival gangs. from