Shunzei Tadanori

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Scene from the play

Shunzei Tadanori ( Japanese 俊 成 忠 度 ), the first names of two personalities from the end of the Heian period, form the title of a drama by Seami . The piece is a second game in the Nō category.

Preliminary remark

Shunzei is a respectful reading of the first name of the poet Fujiwara no Toshinari (1114–1204). Taira no Tadanori (1144-1184) was a brother of Taira no Kiyomori . He fell at the battle of Ichi-no-Tani .

The following people occur:

  • Waki: Okabe Rokuyata
  • Tsure: Lord Shunzei
  • Tomo: A servant
  • Shite: Spirit of Taira Tadanori


  1. act
    1. Prelude: Okabe appears with an accompanist with the attribution flute. Attribution, arrival at Toshinari.
    2. Question and answer. Okabe delivers the poem, Toshinari prays for the departed. (Okabe resigns.)
    3. Tadanori, the ghost appears. "Is it a dream? Is it real? ”Exchange speech. Toshinaris complains that his poem was not included with the name of the author. Please to Tadanori. Choir.
    4. Big performance. Like pearl to pearl, song after song, from Susanō no Mikoto to Hitomaro and through the ages. "Lied (Waka) delights the gods, connects man and woman, husband and wife." Suddenly there is a change to the battle scene.
  2. act
    1. Toshinari: “How strange the sight is suddenly different!” Tadanori: “Look! The king of the warrior spirits rises and attacks Indra . And Indra opposes him, sends him down to the world of wild spirits. ”Fight romp, Tadanori is right in the middle. With the waking morning this dream world disappears.

Post Comment

This Nō is missing the first part in which the spirit of the deceased appears in an unrecognizable form. Okabe, the waki, leaves immediately after coming to Toshinari, so that Toshinari becomes, as it were, the waki of the main part.


  1. Woodcut by Tsukioka Kōgyo (月 岡 耕 漁; 1869–1924).


  • Peter Weber-Schäfer: Prince Shunzei and Knight Tadanori . In: Twenty-four Nō games. Insel Verlag, 1961. ISBN 3-458-15298-X .
  • Hermann Bohner: Shunzei Tadanori In: Nō. The individual Nō. German Society for Nature and Ethnology of East Asia, Tōkyō 1956. Commission publisher Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden. Pp. 104 to 105.