SideWalk Cafe

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The SideWalk Cafe is a New York bar in the East Village that opened in 1985. The cafe is considered the origin of anti-folk .


In the mid- 1980s , an amateur music scene emerged in New York around the Sidewalk Café in the East Village. She referred to the urban folk scene of the early 1960s in Greenwich Village and its sessions, which included the young Bob Dylan . With the prefix "Anti-" they want to distance themselves from its commercial, smooth outgrowths. The musician Lach (named after a Northern European porn magazine) coined the term "Antifolk". He has hosted the "Open Mic" in the "Sidewalk Café" since the mid-1980s. Today this takes place weekly - on Mondays - where anyone who has the courage can play their music.


Web links

  • Web presence of bundled anti-folk activities operated by Lach , the long-time host of the Open Mic in the "Sidewalk Café" in New York's East Village
  • Interview with Martin Büsser about the phenomenon and his anti-folk book
  • Detailed Zeit article from 2002 on the phenomenon
  • Anti-Folk on the TV program ARTE Tracks in December 2006
  • Homepage SideWalk Cafe New York